Town Clerk/Tax Collector:
Maryann Lister (2026)
Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector:
Jo Anne Cambrola
Phone: 603-922-5546
Monday: 10 am – 1 pm
Tuesday: 3 pm – 6 pm
Wednesday: 9 am – 3:30 pm
Fuller Town Hall
1956 US Route 3
PO Box 366
Stratford, NH 03590
We offer secure online payments
Clicking on the “Pay/review taxes online” button will bring you to the NH Tax Kiosk where you can pay your taxes and search for information on properties by owner, parcel ID or address. Tip: If searching by address just use the name and not the St./Street, Rd/Road etc. For names, try using the last name only.
Any search will bring up a box with search results on the right of the screen. Choose the correct owner and all the billing information for that property will come up. The search can be narrowed to just show the outstanding invoices by clicking the “show unpaid only” box.
In addition, this page provides access to property assessment information as well as payment history.
You can also calculate the amount due for a future date by clicking on the “change date” button.
What payment forms do you accept online?
We accept credit/debit cards and electronic fund transfers (ACH/EFT – you will need account and routing numbers for your bank account). There are additional fees associated with using credit/debit cards at the Town Hall and online – the card processing company charges a minimum of $1.95 or 2.95% , whichever is greater. ACH transactions cost only $0.95 per transaction. Just like a returned check, a rejected ACH payment will result in a $15.00 penalty. So please be very careful when you enter your banking information, as any incorrect number can result in a rejection.
If you have any problems with finding the information you need, please call and we’ll be happy to help.
The current tax bills (2nd half 2024 property and utility) were mailed on October 30 and were due on Dec 4. All unpaid accounts are now accruing interest. Delinquent Tax Notices were sent in February 2025.
Important tax dates for 2025:
Lien Notices sent: March 26
Lien Execution: May 7
Deed Execution: August 27
When are Taxes due?
Taxes are due twice a year, in July and December. The actual due date is printed on the tax bill.
When do I receive my bills?
Bills are normally issued in late May/early June and late October/early November.
NH State law requires tax bills be sent out a minimum of 30 days prior to the due date.
Even if – for whatever reason – you don’t receive a tax bill in the mail, you are still responsible for its payment. You can always look up your tax bill online or contact the tax collector.
Where are my tax bills mailed?
Bills are always mailed to the homeowner at the last address we have on record. So please make sure you update us whenever your mailing address changes. This includes absentee owners who move to their Stratford property. You can find an Address Change Form here.
Do I have to send my tax bill to my mortgage company?
In most cases the mortgage company does not want you to send your tax bill to them. They usually receive the information from the Tax Collector. However, sometimes mistakes are made so you should always check to be sure that your taxes are indeed paid.
What time period is covered by the first and second issue tax bills?
The Tax year in NH starts April 1 and ends March 31.
First issue payment covers the period from April 1st to September 30th.
Second issue payment covers the period from October 1st to March 31st.
Tax Rate Breakdown for Stratford 2024 (per $1000 assessed value) |
Municipal | $7.42 |
County | $5.56 |
Local Education | $13.92 |
State Education | $1.61 |
Total | $28.51 |
Read more: How is the Tax Rate determined?
You can view, download and print your Property Tax Map through our Town Mapping application.
For any questions, please contact the Assessing Department
Information for Campsite Holders
Recreational vehicles situated at local NH campgrounds are subject to property taxes, with certain exemptions in place (RSA 72:7-d).
Your camper can be tax-exempt as long as it its registered (either in your home state or in NH) and shows a valid decal on your number plate. Each year by April 1, campground owners have to provide the local tax assessor with a list of campers currently located at the campground, and indicate which ones are registered, and which are not.
Owners of unregistered campers will receive two tax bills a year. To avoid receiving a tax bill and then having to fix the problem afterwards, please make sure your campground owners (and ultimately, the Town) are always up to date on your camper registration.
Registering your camper is an option, not an obligation.
Find out more details here – including the full text of RSA 72:7-d.
Timber or Yield Tax
If you intend to cut timber of more than 10MBF of sawlogs and 20 cords of fuel wood for personal use, you must file a Notice of Intent to Cut Timber (PA-7). Download the form here:
PA-7 Intent to Cut Timber (fillable version)
PA-7 Intent to Cut Timber (print version)
The Notice of Intent, required by law, notifies the assessing officials, New Hampshire Department of Revenue (DRA) and the New Hampshire Division of Forest & Lands. Timber on all land ownerships is taxable at 10% of the stumpage value at the time of cutting.
Once the logging operation is completed, a “Report of Wood Cut” must be filed with the Town within 60 days of completion or by May 15, whichever comes first. The report form serves as the basis for determining the timber yield tax. The tax bill will be issued within 30 days of receiving the report.
To request a PA-8, Report of Wood Cut, please call 603-230-5969 or e-mail your request to (the form is usually is supplied by DRA to logger or land owner).
Excavation Tax
This tax imposes a charge of $.02 per cubic yard of material taken from a “taxable excavation.” It will be administered much like the Timber Tax.
Every tax year and prior to excavating, any owner who intends to excavate earth must file a “Notice of Intent to Excavate” (Form PA-38) and an administration fee for each parcel that is to be excavated. Download the form here:
PA-38 Intent to Excavate (fillable version)
PA-38 Intent to Excavate (print version)
After the operation is complete or no later than April 15 of each tax year, a “Report of Excavated Material” must be filed with both the municipality and the Department of Revenue Administration. The tax bill will be issued within 30 days of receiving the report.
NH tax law requires municipalities to send tax bills to the last known address of the current owner of record. So it’s important to keep us informed of any changes to your mailing address. Otherwise, tax bills or notifications about possible liening and deeding will not reach you. Ultimately, it is your responsibility as the property owner to keep us up to date.
Please fill out the form and email to us at or mail it to: Town of Stratford, P.O. Box 366, Stratford, NH 03590. Please include property details such as Map and Lot numbers for each parcel you own and also a phone number so we can reach you if we have questions.
If you don’t receive a tax bill around the usual billing time, you can download and print the original bill from our online Tax Kiosk. Or simply get in touch with us.