Supervisors of the Checklist
Lorraine Bacon (2028)
Molly Carr (2030)
Sarah Kennett (2028)
Please call or email the Town Clerk’s office:
Phone: 603-922-5546
Requests will be forwarded to the Supervisors.
Upcoming Public Sessions:
Any public sessions will be listed here.
Please bring proof of citizenship and proof of domicile to register. See for more details on registering to vote.
Your Voter Registration Info Online
If you want to check your party status or track your absentee ballot online through the Secretary of State’s website, please click here. Once on the site, you will be prompted to enter your name, date of birth, and a security code that will be given to you.
The Supervisors of the Checklist are elected Town officials who are responsible for the maintenance of the voter checklist. Their duties include maintaining and updating voter information to insure that voter registration is accurate. Of course, the Supervisors also process new voter registrations. They meet at the Town Hall to fulfill the above duties and hold public sessions from time to time to allow voters to update their information as needed before elections and other important dates in the electoral calendar. These sessions are always publicly announced, both on this website and in print.