Conservation Commission
Chair – Christopher Caron (2026)
Treasurer – Chelsea Petereit (2025)
Member – Jennifer Caron (2027)
Alternate – Clayton Macdonald (2028)
Vacancies: 1 regular Member, 1 Alternate
Or call Selectboard office at 603-922-5533; questions can be forwarded to the Commission.
Fuller Town Hall
PO Box 366
Stratford, NH 03590
Stratford Natural Resource Inventory (NRI)
On February 22, 2024, Stratford’s Conservation Commission hosted their second Public Information Session to inform residents about the planned Straford Natural Inventory process (NRI). The public had a chance for input and to ask questions.
To read the minutes, click on the “Minutes” tab above. We will post more information about this process as we go along.
Take the short Stratford NRI Community Survey. You can email or mail it to the Town Office or drop it off in person.
Benefits of a Natural Resource Inventory to the Landowner and Community:
- Use Value Appraisal / Ecologically Sensitive Treatment Area Eligibility
- Natural Resources Conservation Service Funding for Projects
- Conservation Opportunities
- Learning about your Land
- Increased Connection between Residents, Landowners, and Natural Resources
Encouraging native pollinators and wildlife
We can help our birds and insects by planting native species in our yards and gardens in Spring that attract pollinators and the birds that eat them. In Fall, letting stalks and (at least some) leaves remain on the ground allows insects to overwinter and continue the cycle of life into the next year. This mulch cover also helps to protect soils from erosion.
Find some useful guides and fact sheets on our “Resources” tab!
Help to create wildlife habitat!
We can help our birds and insects by planting native species in our yards and gardens in Spring that attract pollinators and the birds that eat them. In Fall, letting stalks and (at least some) leaves stay on the ground allows insects to overwinter and continue the cycle of life into the next year. Dowload these fact sheets to help you get started:
Overwintering Wildlife Fact Sheet
Below are links to interesting and useful websites emphasizing the benefits of a rich, diverse, and rewarding human and natural environment.
NH Association of Conservation Commissions
23_12_07-CC-Meeting-Public-NRI.pdf |
23_11_02-CC-Meeting-Draft.pdf |
23_09_07-CC-meeting.pdf |
23_07_27-CC-Special-Meeting.pdf |
23_07_06-CC-Meeting.pdf |
23_03_02-CC-Meeting.pdf |
23_01_05-CC-Meeting.pdf |
22_11_10-CC-Meeting.pdf |
22_06_11-CC-Meeting.pdf |
22_04_09-CC-Meeting.pdf |
22_02_12-CC-Meeting.pdf |
The Conservation Commission is tasked by the Town and the State to protect Stratford’s natural resources through the implementation of a Natural Resource Inventory, wetland permit review, citizen education, and land protection.
Our Commission is currently beginning the process of developing our Natural Resource Inventory. We also organize a clean-up week each spring in conjunction with the Town Transfer Station and the Stratford School.